Camp Crystal Lake Orientation Week: Day 4 — Arts and crafts
By Joseph Lavers
Good morning 🐣
Look at this face:

That’s the face of every happy camper coming to Crystal Lake in the next couple days. Remember it well. That’s what we’re all here for.
Now we’ve covered some important safety issues this week, but what we haven’t really discussed yet is “having fun!”
What’s camp without a little arts and crafts to take home to your parents?
There are so many fun things you and the little campers can make together like painting rocks, twisting pipe cleaners into wacky shapes, and making frogs out of toilet paper rolls. And with so many broken windows this past week, maybe we can even make mosaics with all that shattered glass.

Don’t tell him but one of our staff, Jimmy, is a real George McFly from Back to the Future-lookin’ nerd. He’s really hyped about sticking toothpicks into cheese puffs and building sculptures out of ’em. I don’t know, man. Of all the weird stuff that happens in the Greater Crystal Lake Metropolitan Statistical Area, this guy’s a real weirdo but we humor him so maybe take a couple minutes to learn his tradecraft. The kids will dig it.

Speaking of kids, one of our repeat campers is really into making elaborate, professional-grade monster masks and prosthetics. We’re not quite sure how he does it. He’s like 12 and somehow barely even knows what a woman is. And I don’t know if it’s even appropriate at this point? Things are scary enough around camp these days — bodies are allegedly (gotta keep workers’ comp and the lawyers happy) piling up left and right — we don’t need to add undead monsters to the mix. Thankfully we’ll never have to worry about that; we’ve kept it real grounded so far.
Anyways arts and crafts are essential components of the camp experience and we’re excited to see what you and the little ones come up with this year.